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at St. James'

In our Baptismal Covenant, we promise to "seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves." St. James' members live out this promise in myriad ways, through acts of friendship, generosity, and service.

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark that is dedicated to providing housing, hope, and healing for asylum-seekers and their families. St. James' partners with the Lighthouse through monthly donation drives, joint events with St. James' parishioners and Lighthouse families, and occasional work projects (moving crews, etc.).

To learn more and get involved in our work with The Lighthouse, contact Gary Yacono:


Faith, Hope & Love Food Pantry

St. James' also supports the Faith, Hope & Love Food Pantry, a ministry of our sister church in Teaneck, NJ.

Contact our Parish office to learn more about what items are accepted and how to donate.

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