What we believe
Episcopal churches like St. James' are part of the Anglican Communion, which is famous for being a "middle way" between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, and a "big tent" where faithful expressions of Christianity take many forms.
Every Sunday in our worship we confess our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed, an ancient and global summation of Christian faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Book of Common Prayer, which guides our worship, is the authoritative expression of Episcopal belief — so the best what to know what we believe is to come worship with us!
I'm .
Am I welcome at St. James'?
However you fill in that blank, the answer is yes. You are welcome at St. James'!
You are welcome at St. James', whoever you are. We are an inclusive and diverse community that knits together people of various ethnicities, orientations, opinions, political parties, etc. We are united by our common worship, by our shared sacraments, and above all by the loving God who created us, and has redeemed us, through Christ.